One last
post (to be continued...)
voilà de retour à Sydney (pour quelques jours car il faut bien
prendre des vacances pour nous reposer de ce voyage) et on a gardé
sous la main encore quelques histoires et photos.
back to Sydney for a few days as we need now holidays to rest from
this long trip, and as you can imagine despiste our previous posts we
still have some stories left to tell!
d'abord, quelques chiffres pour commencer ! Notre voyage a duré 71
jours et nous avons fait officiellement 16 783 km (soit 22 Paris –
Marseille ou 3 Paris – New York) au volant de notre bolide ce qui
nous a conduit à un volume de 1912 litres d'essence consommés (nous
avons fait le plein environ 39 fois si nous n'en avons pas
oublié...). Parce que nous n'avons pas seulement roulé, nous avons
également fait environ 85 km de randonnée, la plus longue étant à
Uluru (10,4km) sous un gros soleil. Pour être certain de ne rien
manquer, les Visitors Centers nous ont offert pour environs 5 kilos
de documentation et nous avons tout recyclé à la fin !
just recap some figures to begin! Our trip lasted 71 days and we
exactly drove 16,783 km (which is 3 times the distance between Paris
and New York) and used approximately 1,912 L of unleaded petrol (we
stopped at least 39 times to refill). But we also walked 85 km
(longest one was at Uluru for 10.4 km). Last but not least, we
collected 5 kg of brochures from various visitors centers and all of
them have been put to recycling.
Tri des brochures touristiques - Recycling visitor centers' documents |
our campervan was a great solution for us as it's very convenient to
move with it and also it is a great way to wake up every morning in a
different spot; here is a small selection of the best spots we stayed
nous avons été enchantés ou surpris par certains endroits que nous
avons visités et nous en garderons de super souvenirs. Même si on
nous a déjà posé la question, il est très difficile de répondre
de manière unique à « qu'avez vous préféré? ».
Cependant, voici un échantillon de ce que nous pourrions vous dire
sans ordre particulier:
We have
been very lucky to visit great places but we cannot tell what is THE
place we enjoyed most. Instead, we will give you a list of some places
that will stay in our memories for different reasons:
Island : Un petit coin de paradis sur Terre ! Située sur
la cote Est, au Nord de Brisbane, c'est une immense dune de sable
posée sur le socle océanique. Elle offre plein de paysages
différents : une forêt tropicale en son centre, des rivières
à l'eau cristalline, des falaises où les vagues viennent s'écraser,
de longues plages (interdites à la baignade) et des falaises de
sables multicolores. C'est tout simplement magnifique !
Island: this sandy island is like a small paradise on Earth. It has
many different landscapes: a tropical forest in the center, clear
rivers, multicolor cliffs, long beaches (where unfortunately you
cannot swim)... One word to describe: amazing!
Fraser Island |
aka Ayers Rock: going there is a sort of pilgrimage because no matter
where you come from, it's far away from there! No need to say that
this site is unique, and even if we've seen it many times before
coming, to see it in real made us realise that we really were in
Australia! One tip before you go there: you absolutely need a fly
Uluru |
hot water springs: we arrived there after a 2,000 km ride, so we were
really happy to take a break but also this place is really quiet,
isolated, with shade from palm trees... another paradise in the
middle of the desert!
Mataranka |
Islands, rain over the rainbow: this is another great spot that we
were expecting to discover and enjoy, but instead of a great cruise
on a boat, we had rain so we did not have a proper experience
there... let's come back there another time!
Whitsundays Islands |
Island: this place is not (yet) full of tourists and we were happily
surprised by nature that is still wild, with lots of animals and we
really enjoyed swimming into hot water and discovering Remarkable
Kangaroo Island |
National Park: we understood why this site is listed by UNESCO as a
world Heritage site: very old aboriginal rock paintings (over 2,000
years), lots of animals (including some 300,000 crocodiles),
impressive waterfalls... an amazing place to spend some time.
Kakadu National Park |
rum distillery: located in Bundaberg, this was an unexpected stop and
also very interesting (not only because we had 2 rum coke at 4 pm...)
as the guide took us through all the stages of rum making, from sugar
cane to 20 year-old bottles...
Bundaberg |
One big
thank you goes to visitors centers accross Australia. They gave us a
lot of information and tips on what's to do around and if you're
lucky, you'll even have your itinerary for the next 3 days!
car tout n'a pas été super génial pendant ce voyage, voilà un top
des pires choses qui nous ont marquées:
aucune hésitation, les mouches et moustiques! Il y en a partout dans
le désert ou dans le Top End et il ne faut absolument pas faire
l'économie d'un répulsif pour les faire fuire ou d'une
Dans un
autre registre, Port Augusta. Le Lonely Planet en parle comme de la
ville carrefour et nous avons faussement cru qu'il y aurait des
choses à faire. Mais même la « plage » ne donne pas
envie de rester (une étendue de cailloux qui donne sur une rivière
marron et vaseuse, le tout surmontée par le pont de l'autoroute)
quant à l'aire de repos, un terrain vague où il faut payer 7$ et
qui n'a ni eau ni toilette (au final, on paye pour rien en fait).
les animaux dangereux un peu partout... On n'a jamais l'esprit
totalement tranquille lors d'une rando, ou quand on ouvre une
poubelle sur une aire dans le désert car on ne sait pas ce qu'il
peut en sortir... Mais pas d'inquiétude, les rencontres que nous
avons faites (serpents, araignées...) ont toujours été sans
don't worry, there are still some bad things in Australia and here is a short
list of what mattered most:
a doubt, flies and mosquitoes! They are everywhere, in the desert or
the Top End... you won't be able to save money on the mosquito
repelent... except if you have some geckos friends with you!
Augusta is on our short list too: this town is presented by our travel guide as an interesting spot... but it's not! The « beach »
there is behind the Stuart Highway bridge and has mud in the water...
Even though we paid 7 dollars for the « camping » (where
there is no water or toilets) we did not stay for the night... Don't
stay, just refill your car!
dangerous animals... a bit everywhere! You're never completely safe
as you don't know what can go out of a trash in the middle of the
desert. We've been lucky, the only dangerous species we saw were in a
zoo (or we didn't know that they were dangerous)!
Animal australien... - Australian animal... |
We still
have lots of places to visit, starting with Sydney as we only stayed
there very shortly; around the city, the beaches, Blue Mountains. A
bit further, Melbourne and Brisbane that we only saw from far during
our trip, but also Tasmania, Cairns, Perth and the Western Australia
coast. We also want to visit this region of the World, New Zealand,
Vanuatu and many other islands of the Pacific Ocean... so no worries,
lots of pictures still to come!
n'oubliez pas dans quelques jours, nous vous ferons découvrir la
Nouvelle-Calédonie !
with us, in a few days, we will take you to New Caledonia!
Alex et
Superbe (et je suis complètement d'accord avec vos endroits préférés de l'Australie...) Il vous reste encore la côte Ouest aussi ;-).