Manly, another beach for surfers!
Lorsque nous sommes arrivés en Février, notre première excursion a été à Manly! Mais à l'époque, pas d'appareil photo car nous allions à la plage. Cette fois, nous y sommes retournés pour vous montrer à quoi cela ressemble (et pour nous promener)!When we arrived in February in Sydney, our first visit has been to Manly! By then, we were not tourists (at least pretending not to be), we were just going to the beach so we did not take any camera. Back now, we turned ourselves into tourists (which is a bit weird now that we've been living in Sydney for 6 months...) and brought the camera to show you how it is.
d'abord, un peu de géographie. Manly se trouve au Nord de la baie de
Sydney, donc il faut prendre un ferry pour faire la traversée qui
dure une bonne demie heure depuis Circular Quay ; cette fois, nous
avons mis de la crème solaire et nous n'avons pas pris de coup de
soleil (comme il y a du vent avec la traversée, si on ne met pas de
crème solaire et que le soleil cogne... on ne le sent pas... enfin
sauf le soir où là on pleure).
Manly is located on the Northern part of the Sydney bay, so we took a ferry from Circular Quay and the trip lasts around 30 minutes ; this time, we put some sun screen on... as it's windy, you don't feel the sun burning your skin and when you realize it... it's already too late!
Manly is located on the Northern part of the Sydney bay, so we took a ferry from Circular Quay and the trip lasts around 30 minutes ; this time, we put some sun screen on... as it's windy, you don't feel the sun burning your skin and when you realize it... it's already too late!
est une plage de Sydney très fréquentée l'été, où il est
possible de louer des planches de surf pour profiter des belles
vagues de la mer. A deux pas de la jetée, il y a quelques rues
commerçantes avec des restaurants branchés et des glaciers (miam
miam) et cela donne un côté très sympa à l'endroit.
Manly is a popular beach and is very busy during summer season ; you can rent surf boards from many shops close to the beach to enjoy the waves! Very close to the beach, there are some small streets with trendy restaurants and ice cream shops (yuuuuummy!!!!!!) so it gives a very cool atmosphere to the place itself.
Manly is a popular beach and is very busy during summer season ; you can rent surf boards from many shops close to the beach to enjoy the waves! Very close to the beach, there are some small streets with trendy restaurants and ice cream shops (yuuuuummy!!!!!!) so it gives a very cool atmosphere to the place itself.
y est assez sympa le week end avec beaucoup de monde qui s'y ballade
(ou va à la plage) et il y a aussi des exposants (cela va du tableau
aux bracelets artisanaux) ce qui anime quelques rues. Les terrasses
des cafés-restaurants sont aussi prises d'assaut pendant l'été!
There are good vibes in this place and lot of people hang around (or go straight to the beach) and during summer week-ends, there are many craftsmen that sell paintings or other types of art which animate the streets.
La plage est très étendue, avec des terrains de volley et aussi une piscine qui se remplie avec de l'eau de mer. Il est également possible de longer la côte qui mène au Sydney Harbour National Park.
The beach is very long with volley fields and a swimming pool filled by tide. There is also a nice walk taking you to the Sydney Harbour National Park where you have a nice view on the sydney bay and the sea at the same time.
The beach is very long with volley fields and a swimming pool filled by tide. There is also a nice walk taking you to the Sydney Harbour National Park where you have a nice view on the sydney bay and the sea at the same time.
avons appris également qu'il y a une colonie de pingouins qui habite
près du débarcadère du ferry mais nous n'avons pas pu les
voir.Malheureusement, il n'en reste pas plus de 40.
We also learned that there is a small colony of penguins still living close to the ferry jetty (but don't expect to see them when you arrive: they are very shy and only show before sunrise or after sunset! And there are only 40 of them...
We also learned that there is a small colony of penguins still living close to the ferry jetty (but don't expect to see them when you arrive: they are very shy and only show before sunrise or after sunset! And there are only 40 of them...
et Alex.
Nice spot. It reminds me a little bit ofHong Kong. Perhaps the wharf and the shops around ?
RépondreSupprimerJe ne connais pas (encore) HK... mais en tout cas, Manly, c'est cool!
SupprimerSinon, je vois que tu as eu de la lecture hier soir!!